St. Vincent de Paul Society and Thrift Store
Located at 651 West Memorial Drive, Dallas, Georgia, 30132
(the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is next door to the Thrift Store)
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the SVdP Society and Thrift Store. We are always in need of volunteer assistance in the store and in the support center. Please call or come by during store hours to see how you can help. We provide the training. Meet others who want to give back to the community and share in this corporal work of mercy. Thank you for your continued generosity to those in need in Paulding County and the surrounding area.
St. Vincent de Paul Society Family Support Center
The Family Support Center provides outreach to those in the community who need assistance with obtaining food, meeting bill payments, prescriptions and home visits.
The Dallas, GA Society of St. Vincent de Paul Family Support Center accepts applications for assistance by appointment only. Please call 770-443-1533.
Appointments can be made by calling the Support Center on Monday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon.
If there is no answer, please leave your name and phone number on the voicemail. A caseworker will return your call as soon as possible.
St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Pantry
The food pantry provides food to hundreds in need each year within our local community.
The SVdP Society food pantry is always in need of non-perishable food items such as cereal, soups, canned food, paper goods, peanut butter and jelly, spaghetti-o's, rice, ramen noodles, instant potatoes, saltines, chili, tuna, and salmon.
The SVdP Society is pleased to announce that we now have freezers and refrigerators in the food pantry, which will enable us to accept cheese, eggs, milk, and meats (hots dogs, ground beef, sausage, etc.). These items must be donated in person so that they may be immediately refrigerated or frozen.
If you wish to donate any unopened and currently dated items, you may bring them to the Society office on Mondays between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m.
Donations of non-perishable items may also be made in the narthex at SVdP Catholic Church in the bins beneath the information table.
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
The Thrift Store provides the community with a low-cost alternative for many necessary items such as clothing, shoes, furniture, housewares, and even mattresses.
Thrift Store hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. // Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00pm
The phone number is 678-388-0855.
Donations of gently used items may be made in back of the store, at the dock, during store hours.
Due to issues with theft from the dock area, we ask you not to leave donations outside of store hours.

About the St. Vincent de Paul Society
Linked by the common mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, there are 68 Conferences operating throughout North Georgia. These are groups of 5 to 50 people putting their faith into action by responding to the needs of people in their local community, regardless of ethnic or religious background.
The three goals of a Conference are the spiritual growth of the members, developing solidarity among the members and with those in need, and serving people with compassion, generosity, and respect.
Within the policies of the International Society and the directives of the Atlanta Council each Conference operates independently, resulting in a wide variety of consistent and innovative services and programs which address the specific needs of the local community. Such services include food pantries, thrift stores, referrals to other resources, educational programs, spiritual and financial assistance.
Most often, the assistance given is temporary to help an individual or family over a bump in the road. In certain cases, the Conference may commit to a longer period of assistance to help lift a family out of a continuing struggle that has a foreseeable end.
For example, this Uplift program as it is called, may help a single mother finish a technical degree so that she can obtain a higher paying job and move beyond the continuing need for assistance.
The Internal Revenue Service classifies the St. Vincent de Paul Society as a 501(c) (3) charitable organization. All contributions are tax deductible, as allowable under IRS guidelines.
Matching Donations
St. Vincent de Paul Society can receive a matching donation for gifts from companies that offer matching gifts when their employees donate to qualified nonprofits.
Companies include: AGL Resources, Inc., Alexander Haas Martin & Partners, Bank South Corp, Carson Products Co., Coca-Cola Co., Delta Airlines Inc., Equifax, Inc., ERE Yarmouth, First Data Corp, Georgia-Pacific Co., Georgia Power Co., Hampton & Harper Inc., Kearney-National, Inc., Law Cos. Group, Inc., Oxford Industries Inc., Scientific-Atlanta, Inc., Siemens Energy & Automation Inc., SunTrust Bank, UPS.
If you are employed by one of these companies or know others who are employees, please ask the company or employee for the appropriate paperwork and contact the store manager at (770) 443-1533.
Donate Your Car or Truck
Did you know that you can donate your car or truck to the St. Vincent de Paul Society and get a tax deduction? Running or not, we can make good use of it! We will pick it up and the Georgia Conference has a licensed car dealer on staff to handle all the paperwork.
As a donor you benefit as well. The gross proceeds of your donated vehicle may be used for a tax deduction as allowed by the Jobs Creations Act of 2004. You save time, eliminate the liability and stress of selling the vehicle yourself and have the satisfaction of knowing you have played a significant role in helping someone in need.
100% of the net proceeds of your donation helps people in need.
You receive the maximum tax deduction allowed under the new IRS regulations.
No hassles with the paperwork because the Society is a licensed Georgia used car dealer.
You receive a valid federal tax receipt for your IRS return.
Free pickup of your old vehicle anywhere in metro Atlanta
You may be providing transportation to someone, allowing them the dignity of keeping a job to support their family.