January 19, 2025 - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Announcements
If your family recently added a new member, the Knights of Columbus would like to give you a one month supply of diapers from EveryLife, the pro-life diaper company. Sizes vary from newborn up to 4. The supply is limited so it is one bundle per family. See a Knight at the table in the narthex to receive your gift.
The parish office will be closed and Holy Mass will not be celebrated this coming Monday.
Bishop Shlesinger will celebrate the thirty-sixth annual Holy Mass for the Preborn at Holy Spirit Catholic Church on January 25th at 10 a.m. The rosary will be prayed at 9:30 a.m.
An altar server training class is scheduled to take place on January 25th, at 12 noon with pizza available beforehand at 11:30 a.m. This special ministry fosters vocations to the priesthood. Those young men who have received First Communion or who are about to receive First Holy Communion are invited to join us. Please note that servers will not be scheduled to serve until after they have received the Sacrament.
Deacon Jose recently celebrated his 25th anniversary as a Deacon. Parishioners are invited to gather with us for a reception honoring his dedication and service to the Church on February 9th. We will be asking you to RSVP soon. In the meantime, go ahead and mark your calendar.
The second collection today is for the Pro-life movement