Stewardship of Time and Talents
What is a Christian Steward?
One who accepts God's gifts graciously, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner,
shares them in justice and love with others, and returns them with increase to the Lord."
(from the United States Catholic Bishops pastoral letter on stewardship)
Stewardship is the acknowledgement that all we are and all we possess are gifts that God had given us
for our temporary use and for our use in helping our fellow man.
Viewing Stewardship as a way of life begins with a personal need within each of us to return to God
a thankful portion of our time in the form of prayer, our talents in the form of ministry to others, and
our treasure that He has entrusted in our care.
Please be generous with your time, talent and treasure commitments. Take part in ministries that address
the needs of fellow parishioners, the parish and the Dallas area communities.
For your own spiritual growth, as well as that of the parish, it is important that everyone in the
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church be involved, living the stewardship "way of life."
Prayer for Stewardship
Lord God, I believe that You will always provide me with what I need, if I only ask. I know that whatever You give me is to be shared with others in my family, my parish, my community, my country, and the world.
Help me to use my gift wisely, always aware that You are the source of all blessings. Grant that I may share my time, talent and treasure in ways that will bring glory to Your Son, Jesus, who reigns with you now and forever.
Ways to Share Our Time & Talents
There are many ways to share your gifts and become involved. If you want spiritual growth and meaning, try asking how the Lord wants you to serve, not if.
Please be generous in the giving of yourself. We have many ministry opportunities at St. Vincent's waiting for you to get involved.
Prayerfully review and reflect on the many opportunities offered. Then, fill out a Time and Talent Volunteer form or contact the Church Office (770-443-0566) and you will be contacted by the ministry coordinator.
Pastoral Leadership - Pastoral Council, Finance Council
Parish Groups - Knights of Columbus, Women's Altar Rosary Guild
Community Outreach - St. Vincent de Paul Society, Ministry to the Homebound
Support of Parish Operations and Facilities - Art & Environment, Building & Grounds, Office Volunteers, Special Projects
Faith Formation - RCIA, Religious Education (Pre-K to 5th Grade), Middle School Religious Education (Grades 6-8), High School Religious Education
Pastoral Ministry - Welcoming New Parishioners, Greeters
Liturgy and Worship - Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Hospitality Ministry, Lectors, Music Ministry, Set Up Ministry
Historian - Archivist
"If someone who has worldly means sees a brother in need and refuses him compassion, how can the love of God remain in him? Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth." 1 JOHN 3:17-18
Ways to Share Our Treasure
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church depends on the generosity of its parishioners and visitors. Some ways you can support the parish financially include:
Weekly Contributions
Special Collections to support special needs of the parish, the Archdiocese or charities
Memorial and Honor Gifts - A beautiful way to honor an anniversary, baptism, birthday or remember someone who has passed from this life to the next.
Religious Education Building Fund - St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church is in the process of raising funds for a new religious education building Our Lady of Guadalupe Hall.
Christ-centered rather than self-centered - When we acknowledge that God is the source of all that we have, we show gratitude through prayer, offerings and action. Living our baptismal promise calls us to be Christ-centered rather than self-centered and it involves conversions of the heart.
We are all responsible for the life and mission of the Church through our baptism. Through following Christ, we have the benefit of the role model of sacrifice for the greater good, a model of self-giving and loving service. “such as My Love has been for you…so must your love be for each other.”
Prayerfully reflect on the many blessings you have received and give thought on how you and/or your family might return your time, talent and treasure to the Lord in thanksgiving. Reflect on the three areas of stewardship and how they are lived out in your life. Among the important questions are:
TIME -- How much time do you set aside each week in prayer and involvement in volunteer activities in your parish and in our community?
TALENT -- How are you using your talents for the betterment of our parish family and for the community as a whole?
TREASURE -- What percentage of your yearly income do you presently give to support your parish, the Universal Church, and community activities?