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St Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Church Dallas Hiram Paulding County GA

Resuming In-Parish Worship


Holy Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession): 

Our regular Holy Mass and Confession schedule has resumed. Confessions will be heard in the church

at the regularly scheduled times.  Click here to go to our parish calendar.


Our Sunday 9:00 a.m. Holy Mass is live streamed.




Archbishop Hartmayer recently announced that the general dispensation from the obligation

to attend Sunday Mass will expire in the Archdiocese of Atlanta on May 22, prior to the celebration of

the Vigil of Pentecost.


“While the general dispensation is removed, there are specific persons for whom the dispensation will, for the time being, still be applicable, as well as persons for whom there is no obligation in the first place according to the norms of canon law. One does not have an obligation to attend Mass on Sunday or a holy day of obligation in the following circumstances:


  • You are ill or you have a health condition that would be significantly compromised if you were to contract a communicable illness (i.e., you have underlying conditions or are in a high-risk category). Please use the dispensation and do not attend Mass.

  • You are experiencing flu-like symptoms. 

  • You have been exposed to someone who has tested positive or you have reason to think you      might be asymptomatic of a contagious illness. 

  • You care for the sick, homebound, or infirm.

  • You are pregnant.

  • You are 65 years of age or older (per the CDC’s recommendation of high-risk individuals).

  • You cannot attend Mass through no fault of your own (e.g., no Mass is offered, you are infirm, your ride did not show up, the church was at capacity).

  • You have significant fear or anxiety of becoming ill by being at Mass.


For questions about how these might apply to you, please contact your pastor. These categories will be reviewed in due course and revised as needed.


Persons legitimately dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass are still to observe the Lord’s Day by participating in a broadcast of the Sunday Mass or by spending time in prayer or meditating on Scripture, either individually or as a family.


We cannot live without the Eucharist, and the Church is not fully alive without its congregation. We cannot wait to welcome you back this Pentecost”. (Click here to read his complete Pentecost Letter)  


Click here for additional COVID 19 updates from the Archdiocese of Atlanta. 


Protocol for attendance at Holy Mass


​Parishioners should check their temperatures as well as that of all family members before leaving home. If a parishioner is ill or has a fever of 99.6°F or greater, they should remain at home until fully recovered. 


Parishioners are strongly urged to use hand sanitizer before and after receiving the Host. Please provide your own alcohol-based hand sanitizer or wipes so that this can be accomplished at your seat.


Parishioners will be seated on a first-come, first-seated basis. Seating will take place first in the nave (church). Once the seating capacity is filled in the nave, parishioners will be directed to the outside glass doors of Our Lady of Guadalupe Religious Education Building. An usher will then assist with seating in Simpson Hall, using the same first-come, first-seated procedure.


Once the seating has reached capacity in both buildings, parishioners who have not been seated will be invited to return to their cars to watch Holy Mass on a streaming device (either live-streamed at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, or recorded at other Holy Masses). At the time of Holy Communion, a minister will come outside to the front of the church, on the cement pad, to distribute the Holy Eucharist.


Please remember that we are doing everything we can to keep the environment safe, but it is up to the individual to make the decision to attend Holy Mass. Due to the pandemic there are risks associated with being in a public space. Each person must make his or her own decision.


Our Sunday 9:00 a.m. Holy Mass is live streamed as well as our Wednesday 6:15 p.m. Holy Mass. 

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